Things To Be Thankful For

I have so much to be thankful for this year. So much has happened and I feel like I have grown into the person that I want to be. It’s the little things in life that I’m thankful for. This may or may not include Sweet Tea. Here are 5 things I’m thankful for this year (Insert Cheesy Turkey hand)

Family/Friends: These little gem’s have been here for me so much this year. I’ve grown so close with friends who don’t even live in the same city as me. They put up with my late night texts and skype sesh about chapters in my life. You know who you are, thank you for being on standby when things in the sunny state didn’t go as planned. You guys are always rooting for me, even when things are TOO BIG to accomplish.

Music Chats: I’ve gotten the chance to talk to some of my favorite people about music. Even covering 3 dates of Warped Tour (Dream Come True). Some stand out moments include an interview on The Useds tour bus talking about One Direction and Newsboys Frontmen Michael Tait. Which he told me I was going to go far as a music reporter (EEEEEP).

BUZZNET Readers: THANK YOU for reading every little post on my blog. I love reading your comments and tweets to me about how much you enjoyed each interview. You guys are die hard music fans like me and it’s truly an honor to be considered a BUZZMAKER.

Airplanes: Airplanes have become my new best friend. Thankful for you allowing me to travel safely to friends and family. California, you hold a magical place in my heart. I hope we meet some more in 2013.

Carrie Bradshaw: Thankful for the little lessons I learn from each episode of Sex and The City. Carrie Bradshaw is my spirit animal. I like to consider myself the music verison of her. Taking over the world, One blog at a time. Always reminding me that friends are the best accessories a girl can ever have and it’s OKAY to be married to your career.

Happy Thanksgiving Lovebugs, Be thankful for the little blessings in your life.

