5 Reasons Why Being Single Rules!

It’s National Singles Week and while some of us are secretly crying into our coffee cup about being lonely (just me?), it’s actually something to celebrate! While being in a relationship might seem like cupcakes and rainbows (and it can be), there are some MAJOR perks for being single! In honor of National Singles Week, here are 5 reasons why being single rules:

1. No One to Buy Gifts For

Sure, it seems nice to buy things for a significant other. But birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries add up… literally! As a single person, you get to keep your money and spend it on your only obligation: YOU!

2. You Don’t Have to Check-In With Anyone

It’s not so much checking in with your beau as it is taking their feelings into consideration. And even then, singles get to do whatever they want and not really have to answer to anyone. You get to be selfish and do what YOU want to do.

3. The Pursuit of Dreams

Imagine this: you have the guy/girl of your dreams and are offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do your dream job. The catch? It’s on the other side of the world. It’s a dilemma that not just one person has to worry about – it’s two peoples’ lives involved. Do they put a pause on their lives as well to uproot and go with you, or will you be doing the long-distance thing for years? It definitely brings an issue and is cause for making a life-changing choice. As a single person, you don’t have to give it a second thought – chase your dreams, duh!

4. No Jealousy/Insecurity

As someone who is single, you get to talk to whomever you want, whenever you want without taking into consideration someone else’s feelings. Your BF is talking to his ex who doesn’t seem entirely over him? Not a problem for you because you don’t have a BF!

5. Girls Night is Every Night!

Need an excuse to leave your dude for one night to enjoy a night out with the girls? Nonsense, you don’t need one! You can feel free to meet up with the girls for dinner, drinks/dessert, and dancing guilt-free… and it can be every night, if you wanted.

What’s your favorite thing about being single?