Why Is Daniel Radcliffe Dissing America?

Daniel Radcliffe charmed his way into our hearts while playing the ever-amazing boy wizard Harry Potter in the beloved film series. Even after the Potter series came to an end, fans still support all that DanRad does, including his stage and other on-screen endeavors. But will the same sentiment stay after he dissed the United States?

DanRad spoke to Britain’s Esquire magazine in a recent interview, ridiculing the way Americans speak: “They pronounce things like the French. They say, ‘filet’ instead of ‘fillet’. What’s that about? And ‘erb – they leave off the h. If it was one person saying it, it would be pretentious, but when it’s the whole f***ing nation…”

If that weren’t enough, he also went on to complain about the quality of tobacco in America, revealing that the quality is so bad, he has Golden Virginia tobacco sent out to him from England.

“I have to ship this in from home because you can’t get good rolling tobacco here. It’s all dry and c**py like you’ve emptied out a cigarette.”

Daniel! What would Harry Potter say?!

Does DanRad’s comments make you think differently of the Harry Potter actor, or does it not matter?