Honor Society’s ‘Hurricane’ Video: Leaves Us Wanting More!

Music videos today can be so complex and feature not only hundreds of dancers but also countless wardrobe changes. Remember when it was all about the music and nothing else mattered? Well I was reminded today by Honor Society about how simple a music video can be. Their new single ‘Hurricane’ is one of my favorite songs and they just released the video to it!

The video is perfection and so simple that it leaves me wanting to hit the replay button again and again! Not to mention it’s on Vinyl! Now your probably going “Gabbie, its a record spinning round and round.” But thats whats so brillant about it. I’m focusing on the lyrics and the meaning behind the song. Not about the production around it.

So I Want You All To Click Play And Be Reminded What Music Is All About!

Let Me Know Below What You All Think!!!!!!

And Tune Into The Live Chat Sunday, I Know I Will! Heres The Link //bit.ly/HSlivestream At 1PM PST / 4PM EST

