Question of the Day: What things would you tell people they shouldn’t do?

A lot of times in life, I want to tell people what to do. Since I am usually not their daddy, I mind my own business. That doesn’t mean that I am not:

On the whole, I don’t think we should tell people what to do. I like to dispense awkward hugs for when their choices go bad but I totally remember to leave room in those hugs for the Holy Ghost.

Let’s play a game. Let’s pretend that we get to tell people what to do. Tell us what those things would be. Mine would be:

Don’t judge (despite the hilarz cat gif above). Well, if you are going to judge people, keep that ish to yourself. You don’t need to go around telling anyone your private thoughts when it comes to that sort of stuff. I guess that is my other thing I would tell people not to do: Don’t gossip.

Don’t leave messes. Clean up after yourself. Don’t do stuff. I actually can’t think of anything else right now, so I will let you tell me what you think people shouldn’t do.

Check out the conversation on Twitter – Things you shouldn’t do.

What things would you tell people they shouldn’t do?