Mark Watches ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone’

It’s time for a party! Get out your copies of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and get ready to hit play while thousands of other Buzznetters watch the first HP movie. And then: we will attempt to break the current comment record on Buzznet. And then: we will celebrate (and make fun of) the first cinematical adaptation of the first Harry Potter book. And then: we will use way too much bold and italics. And then: AWESOME PARTY. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to watch Harry Potter.

EDIT: COMMENTS ON THE NEW SITE ARE BEING DELAYED. Please visit this blog on the old Buzznet to see all the new ones.

So, this may be your first Buzznet liveblog. It’s ok. There’s a first time for everything.

If you’d like to see how ones worked in the past, here’s a smattering of examples of liveblogs I’ve run in the past two years:

Mark Watches Twilight

The Vice-Presidential Debate

The Presidential Debate #2

The Presidential Debate #3

The Election Day Liveblog

The Presidential Inauguration Liveblog

As you can see, we’ve got a lot to live up to. And I think we can totally smash all of our old records.

So let’s get on with instructions!

1) The Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone liveblog will begin at precisely 12:00PM PST on Wednesday, June 2nd. Please consult a world clock if you live elsewhere and compare your time to Los Angeles to figure out when this will be! The movie is just over two and a half hours long.

2) You can save this blog URL. Our liveblog insanity will happen in the comments below.

3) I highly advise using the NEW Buzznet because we only have comment threading on the new site and it will allow us to go off on tangents without having to quote and muddy up the timeline.

4) Once the movie starts, go nuts. Leave photos, gifs, videos, whatever you want in the comments. Have fun, of course!

See you guys tomorrow!