Paris Hilton’s Political Humor is…Funny?

Odds are, Paris Hilton wouldn’t normally have involved herself in the current political situation. After all, she’s Paris Hilton and she’s got other things to do, like shopping and picking out her new BFF. But after John McCain’s camp ran an ad negatively comparing opponent Barack Obama to Hilton in an attempt to mock Obama’s supposed “celebrity status,” Hilton and her family were outraged…especially considering the $4,600 they’d donated to McCain’s campaign earlier this year! [Cut=Oh no he di-int…]

Paris herself responded on the site with a video wherein she parodied McCain’s ad, as well as herself by saying “Wow, I guess since I was in his ad, I’m running for President! Thanks for the endorsement, old dude!”

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die
But now, Paris has posted a new video of herself getting advice on how to run for “fake president” of the USA. And who better to get advice from than Martin Sheen, who played the Commander in Chief through 7 seasons of “The West Wing?”
See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die
…wait, that’s a great question! Somebody should make a poll or something!

The other question is, does this mean that whoever becomes Hilton’s BFF will also be her VP? Would that make them her VPBFF? If so? I’m totally looking forward to the Hilton/Suicide administration. Viva La Zui!