Early “Iron Man” Reactions: Amazon is yer hook-up, bitches!

So, sometimes geek love is the truest love of all. Trust me, this is going somewhere.

My friend Sari is the biggest ninja geek in the world. Not like she’s a geek who’s into ninjas, but in the way that you don’t realize she’s a geek until you start talking to her and she’s spitting out statistics about the number of recorded kills Usagi Yojimbo has. She found her soulmate in John, an awesome guy with aspirations of being a film maker (check out some of his work with 51 Deep Productions). Now, they live in the NY/NJ area and are preparing for their wedding in the fall.

Why is this important? One, for me to plug 51 Deep. Two, because John works at Marvel and therefor scored tickets to last night’s screening of Iron Man.

Last night at 10, I got a text from Sari reading: Holy F*cking shit that was amazing!

I caught up with her today to get her reactions to the film. She said the following:

  • The casting is perfect. Robert Downey Jr. is right on as Tony Stark (“the perfect choice for a badass womanizing bastard”) and Gwenyth Paltrow was equally great as Pepper Pots.
  • The dialog was genuine and felt more real than a lot of other comic book based movies.
  • The special effects were doled out effectively, never too distracting or unreal.
  • Direct Quote: “AMAZING. Better than any Spiderman. And it is just awesome that a COMIC BOOK COMPANY can make a better movie than SONY!”

All in all, the film more than lives up to the hype and is pretty much a must see.

Iron Man releases tomorrow in the US. In the meantime, amuse yourself with Buzznet’s stills gallery!

And don’t forget, that means this Saturday is Free Comic Book Day. Head down to your local comic shop and get some free goodies!