
It seems sometimes that all human beings are good at is destroying. Destroying our planet, destroying each other and especially destroying ourselves. We do it for the sake of greed, for jealousy, for any multitude of horrible reasons.

And sometimes, we help destroy another human being for entertainment’s sake.

The world has watched as cameras focused on one shining example of this in the past few years. That example being the one and only Ms. Britney Spears.

It wasn’t as if Britney’s life has been a blueprint for sanity. A child star, she went on to become America’s pop princess due more to catchy hooks and jailbait sex appeal than to actual talent. But as she grew older, the shine faded from the sparkling diamond and Britney began a string of gossip rag worthy adventures: 24 hour Las Vegas marriages, a union with Kevin “K-Fed” Federline, the birth of two children, the divorce from Federline, the custody battle and inbetween all of it a series of increasingly worrying nervous breakdowns.

So yeah, Britney’s been on the fast track to OD’ing by 30 for years. But it’s not like we, and I do mean “we” I’m not exempt here, have been helping her along.

But now it’s come to a point where it’s not funny anymore. It’s not amusing. It has come to the point where Britney’s nervous breakdowns/cries for media attention have placed her own children in danger. And regardless of who they were born to they are still innocent human beings.

I’m not saying pity Britney. You can or you can not, your choice. I can’t deny that these antics get her more attention than her last CD did, so there is something to the theory that she acts out for publicity. I also can’t deny that there has been increasing evidence lately that she is NOT mentally well. Either way, pointing a camera at her is not going to discourage this behavior. It’s either giving her what she wants, or giving her something she doesn’t need.

But we continue. Hell, I’m writing this post, aren’t I? But now major news agencies such as CNN are paying more attention to Britney than to… (I discovered Britney had lost custody of her children because it was splashed across CNN’s main page as a “breaking news headline.”). And now the Associated Press is going out of their way to invade every aspect of this woman’s life.

And they’ve already written her obituary.

When Ms. Spears does pass away before her time, because at this point it’s almost certain she will, I suppose journalists will have to find someone new to build up and destroy. If you keep picking at the wound it might never heal…and at the very least it will scar.

This is a sick woman. Let her get help.